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Heating a greenhouse: electric vs. propane


There’s just something wonderful about greenhouses. From larger units that offer an abundance of beautiful flowers and plants to smaller units maintained by homeowners who love growing their own produce, these controlled growing areas make every day look and feel like spring.

It may surprise you to learn that greenhouses have existed since Roman times, when it was realized that growing possibilities could be improved by enhancing the sun’s heat. Thankfully, construction techniques and our ability to produce glass have improved quite a bit since Caesar made his first salad, and now modern greenhouses are highly effective in growing a wide variety plants (even if they aren’t native to that area).

The use of greenhouses in the U.S. is growing

The USDA conducts a Census of Agriculture every five years. According to the most recently completed survey conducted in 2017, greenhouse square footage is up in the U.S. over the last decade. Increases in vegetable production continue to lead the way but increases in hemp and cannabis production should be noticeable when the next survey is conducted in 2022.

What’s the best way to heat a greenhouse?

One game-changing enhancement to greenhouses was addition of heat sources. After all, as seasons change, so can the needs of greenhouses. There are a few different fuel options when it comes to heating these grow spaces, including solar, the use of compost, and electric. Our opinion of the best, propane, of course! Through this article we will explain why we believe this while comparing electricity and gas.

How is propane more cost-effective to heat a greenhouse than electricity?

As is the case with things that range from simple to complex and small to large, the price of a greenhouse can vary. The national average cost to build a greenhouse is between $5,000 and $20,000, with most paying about $10,000 for a 10’x40’ unit. For most greenhouse operators, the cost to heat each unit is the second or third highest cost. Growers with greenhouses that aren’t connected to a main power line could face a hefty price tag in extending it to their greenhouse.

When it comes to ensuring that both plants and profits are growing as hoped, greenhouse operators turn to propane. That’s because heating a greenhouse with propane is less expensive when compared to electric units.

How does Ferrellgas support greenhouse heating?

Ferrellgas has been a proud propane provider to America’s agricultural industry for more than eight decades. Working with their local Ferrellgas propane experts, greenhouse operators receive benefits like steady and reliable supply, great customer service, and propane safety information and training.

Making the transition to clean-burning, economical propane for your greenhouse is easy. Simply give us a call at 888-337-7355 or start a chat with us from anywhere on our website, and you’ll be on your way to growing your favorite plants and vegetables year-round!